Tierfreunde Europa
deutsch english castellano

24. Mai 2020

Name: Aston Height
: 65-70 cm
Weight: 47kg (it should weigh about 57-60kg).
Breed: Herd protection dog hybrid
Aston was given up for killing in the Reserr Perrera (Linares). Fortunately, Aston was saved for our Teresa from Albayyasa, because the killing date was already fixed.
In the pererras, the dogs sit close to each other in kennels - regardless of whether they are males, bitches, puppies or seniors and injuries often occur due to the tightness.
So Aston was badly attacked and injured, but the Perrera operators didn't care - the dogs are ultimately brought around the corner
anyway. No one in a Perrera is interested in what state of health the animals are in, whether they have injuries or not. So, of course, it is also not taken into account whether the feed is sufficient and it is clear that the saving measures, which also affect the urban pererras, make sure that the dogs do not get enough food.
Aston should have a size of approx. 57 - 60 kg - but in fact he only weighed 47 kg, as the veterinarian then determined, who examined the male after being removed from the perrera.
But the underweight was not the worst, but the numerous wounds Aston wore on his body and now all need to be treated after Teresa rescued him from Resur.
He is now being treated and nursed up, which should cost around € 600 (the treatments take a while).
We would be very grateful if you could support Aston and ultimately the Albayyasa shelter. As always, all donations are transferred 1: 1 and published on our website with success.
You are welcome to use our animal protection account for donations:
Tierfreunde Europa
IBAN: DE83 6001 0070 0969 1397 09
It would be great if we could support the animal rights activists in Albayyasa (and thus Aston) - especially in the difficult times of crisis.
Your animal friends Europe.
